Thursday, March 8, 2012

Communique from the Union of the Institute of Anthropology and History

Received from concerned colleagues in Honduras:

Alert: we should defend our Cultural Patrimony, hertiage of all Hondurans.

The SITRAIHAH (union of the workers at the Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia) as the legal representative of the workers of the Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia, reaffirms its commitment to the interests that guarantee the protection, conservation, restoration and dissemination of the values of the Cultural Patrimony of the Nation. Given this, having knowledge that persons with partisan/private ambitions seek to financially and legally destabilize the IHAH, [SITRAIHAH] declares the following positions:

1. The SITRAIHAH declares itself energetically in opposition to any Reform of the Ley del Patrimonio Cultural and other primary, secondary or tertiary laws that affect the IHAH.

2. SITRAIHAH demands the IMMEDIATE firing of the officials that are causing damage to the Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia.

3. SITRAIHAH is committed to the protection of the institutionality of the Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia, which we will defend in all the national and international venues that might be necessary.

Therefore the employees affiliated with SITRAIHAH ask the unconditional aid of our compatriots affiliated with the workers' central organizations: CGT, CUTH, and CTH, and in addition we extend the call to the Federations affiliated with them. In equal manner we make a call on the educational and cultural institutions related to the activity of the protection of the Cultural Patrimony that the IHAH develops, in such a way that together we demand the respect for the existing laws that protect the Cultural Patrimony of the Nation.


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